Originally one of Canada’s oldest solo screens, the Valley went dark in the late 1990’s when it’s lease was not renewed. In an interesting turn of events, it was the local Lions Club that came to the rescue and succeeded in obtaining a new lease on life for the venerable Drive-in. Since their re-lighting of the Valley in 1999, the Lions definitely roar .. with continuing support from appreciative and supportive audiences.
The Valley is open on weekends, seasonally, from mid-May thru the end of September. The screen is lit with double features. Admission: $30 per carload (covers all passengers).
The initial loan which the Lions bravely took-on to finance relighting what had become the Valley of shadows, has been repaid with proceeds from their very 1st season .. with money to spare, which was donated to local schools. Since then they have been able to preform a number of key upgrades.
Switching to digital projection in 2012 with the help of the local Credit Union and replace their screen in 2013 in part by a grant from the Province of Nova Scotia.
In what it is to be hoped may serve as a practical model for the preservation of other Drive-ins gone dark, the Lions’ pride continues to dedicate profits from operating the revived Valley Drive-in to benefit the community.